Friday, April 2, 2010

To Dance or Not to Dance

Mr. Lace and I are huge fans of "So You Think You Can Dance."  Many of them are so talented and able to dance so many different styles. Sometimes, I'd watch and think to myself, "I'm not even sure which muscles to move to do that."

I must live vicariously through them because I am NOT a dancer. I've got rhythm. I can hear a beat. But I have no spatial kinesthetic intelligence.  I just don't. I can do a couple of basic dance moves and do goofy moves, but let's just be real here. I suck at dancing.

In addition to that, Mr. Lace is not the kind of guy who likes everyone looking at him.  He doesn't like to be in the spotlight (I realize this will be a bit of an issue come the wedding day). 

So, when we were working through our schedule and got to "first dance," we quickly skipped it and said we'd come back to it later.

I don't want to make a fool of myself.  Mr. Lace doesn't want hundreds of pairs of eyes staring at him. A more traditional first dance would be a little less pressure. We joked about doing a choreographed dance, but we don't know. Or we could skip it and pretend like nothing happened.

A traditional dance makes for some sweet photos.

A fun choreographed dance gives laughter all around.  An added bonus: your future children will totally be embarrassed.  Knowing me, I'd trip on my dress and fall flat on my face. 

"Huh? What first dance?"

What kind of first dance are you having? Are you opting out of a first dance?

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