Monday, March 1, 2010

I Hate Pink.

No offense. I know a lot of people who love pink. In fact, I knew a girl who LOVED pink. EVERYTHING had to be pink. Pink shoes, pink shirts, pink purses.  Before this, I never had anything against pink although it wasn't my favorite color.  But after I met this girl, I started to dislike pink. I think it's because she'd make a huge deal about how she needed someone's help (usually a boy) and would ooh and ahh over the boy who'd help her.  It made me want to puke. I'm a pretty independent person and if I can do it myself, I will. In fact, it's difficult for me to ask people for help.  So, I think that association with pink made me hate the color.  

It's mellowed out since then. I even bought a pink shirt recently. The shirt itself was super cute and only came in pink so I bought it anyway. However, this past week, I found a reason to HATE pink.

I'm a teacher and I recently discovered that I will be receiving a pink slip.  I have been teaching in my current district for four years. Last year, I managed to slip by and hung on for dear life to my job.  But this year, I am not so lucky. Now, a pink slip doesn't necessarily mean that I will be laid off, but that the district can legally lay me off. Since we're unionized, they lay off, not based off performance, dedication or talent, but seniority. 

I have mixed feelings. First, I'm mad. I am being laid off because of my hire date and not because of my dedication to my students or passion and talent for teaching. Second, I'm worried because after June, I won't receive a paycheck anymore.  BTW, did I mention that I am planning a wedding that's happening in June? Also, once I move in with Mr. Lace, we have a huge mortgage payment to pay for that we needed my salary for.  Last, I'm curious if I'm being steered in a different direction. I obviously won't be able to find another teaching position in this economy so I'll have to find a job in another field until schools are hiring again.  Which field? What will I do? 

As if wedding planning isn't overwhelming enough, now I have to wait to see if I'll still have a paycheck after June. Is there anyone going through a difficult job or financial situation in the midst of wedding planning?

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